Get This Lesson Plans Book Free!
We’d like to give you our best selling, 60 Lesson Plans for Tired Teachers as a gift to help you with your teaching
- Has 60 different computer lesson plans
- Completely cross curriculum
- East integrate into your classroom
Join Thousands of Elementary Teachers Worldwide
Who have used our Computer Lesson Plans to Integrate Technology into their Classroom Teaching

Integrated Lesson Plans
Search through our range of over 300 different integrated computer lesson plans. We make it easy to for you to use computers in math, english, science, art and more subjects.

Thematic Computer Lessons
This popular series of books are being specifically written based upon the most popular theme topics (thematic units) in the world including minibeasts, weather & space.

Microsoft Lesson Plans
Try one of our lesson plans written specifically to go with the world's most popular software - Microsoft Word. They're easy to use from Grade 3 up.
It totally blew my mind when I first thumbed through this new book. There were just soo many amazingly original ideas that I wasn’t sure where to start. In the end, we did a shape walk exercise that produced awesome presentations.
Teacher - NY, USA
Get 60 Computer Lesson Plans for Free!
We'd like to give you our best selling, 60 Lesson Plans for Tired Teachers book as a gift to help you with your teaching