How’s the Weather

Appropriate for Grades: 4 up


Collect and collate information about the weather in different parts of the world. Present it in a table format.


  • Open a word processor .
  • Title the page “World Weather”.
  • Make a table with 5 columns and 7 rows.
  • Select the middle column and remove the top and bottom
  • borders so that you appear to have 2 side by side tables that
  • are aligned.
  • Merge the 1st,2nd and the 4th,5th columns of the first row.
  • Put the name of the cities you are watching.
  • In the 1st and 4th columns, type the following heading below
  • each other. One to each row – min temp. max temp, humidity,
  • wind speed, wind direction.
  • Go to the Internet and login to
  • Choose 2 different cities in different hemispheres and read the
  • temperature – min /max, humidity, wind – speed / direction.
  • Insert this data into the tables.
  • Save this file.
  • Repeat this process daily until there is a week of data collected.
  • Compare the results and discuss as a class.
  • Write a paragraph that explains the conclusions the class came
  • to about the weather.
  • Save and print a copy.


Resources/Materials Needed:

Software: word processor
Printer, paper

Further ideas, example or comments

New York
Temp Min
Temp Max
Temp Min
Temp Max

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